Servers, Clusters, & Research Computing

Support and maintenance for existing research and non-research servers

Metro IT provides support for computing and storage servers. Possible tasks we can take care of:

  • Compiling: determining why your code is not compiling properly
  • Installing: Adding new software packages to a server
  • Debugging: While this can be tricky with custom code, our programmers can assist with figuring out where your code errors are
  • Training: Basic support for Linux training and use of the various computing clusters

Consultation and setup for new servers

Metro IT can help specify, quote, and build out servers for both research and administrative services. Be it clustering, computing, GPU processing, or just storage, with some discussion on requirements, we can get you a couple quotes to review. We also have a virtual machine infrastructure for smaller systems. 

*Support for servers and clusters used for research purposes may be subject to recharge. We will let you know up front.

Cluster Computing

Currently, there are two largeish clusters available for use in the department or college.

Aqua: Owned by Professors Graham Fogg and Shuhua Chen, this cluster is available to their own research groups. For short modeling runs or tests, you can discuss borrowing some nodes with the professors.

Farm: The college cluster has some "free" nodes available for all College of Ag affiliates. Follow this link for details, how to get access, etc.

Others: There are many computing clusters available through grants which may be free or low cost to research groups. Talk with your PI about options.