Crashplan Cloud Backup

CAES Dean's Office implementing Crashplan for faculty and research computers

Crashplan is a cloud backup service.  The Crashplan client is installed by Metro IT on the target computer.  Data is encrypted and sent to the Crashplan cloud for backup. 

Purpose: Safeguard university data in case of accidental deletion, theft, or hardware issues.  Also, should a device be lost or stolen, the backup acts as a log of what is missing.  If protected data is stolen, for example, knowing exactly what data is stolen will help the University know who to contact (if it is grades, or unpublished research data, etc).

Policy: CAES Computer Guidelines  Section 6.7.2. 

Who is eligible?  Any university-owned computer in a faculty research group may use the Crashplan service at no cost.

How to get Crashplan?  Email and we will compile a list of your computers for review.  Once we know which computers, we will schedule with users to install and configure Crashplan.

How do I restore data?  Contact for data restores.  Computer name and name of missing file, folder, and what date you would like restored if not the latest backup.

More Information: The Dean's Office has a page with particulars, geared more towards IT but with some information for faculty and their group as well.  CAES Crashplan FAQ